I recently saw a video for
this. They always play this hyper carnival-esque song at my grocery store, but I never knew it was so popular. In addition to a full length music video, there's apparently a CD. The "tarako" they are singing about is the word for fish eggs, and it's a pasta sauce made by Kewpie (maker of mayonnaise). However, anything with twins and the circus and baby dolls just doesn't sit well with me...
I'm not sure if your time surrounded by Japanese pop culture has made you numb to just how completely bizarre "music video" contraptions like this are by Western standards, but I would like to point out that those are not baby dolls. No correctly-assembled baby doll I've ever known has looked like that. Instead, I would postulate that it more closely resembles a retarded, enlarged and amputated big toe, with a baby's face grafted over where its toe nail should otherwise be located.
I've never known any pasta sauce to be praised at such length by people of any age, let alone prepubescant girls with bastardized fedoras. My day has struck a new high in outlandishness.
Did you see the Christmas Version? I like that one better. And did you know that one girl is taller than the other? That's why they wear those red things the way they do. The taller one is the one with the horizontal hat and the shorter one is the verticle one. This illusion makes it seem like they are the same height. It's just something I noticed.
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