Friday, October 3, 2008

I Gots A Wordpress

The time for change is now! Paper Beats All will now be on Wordpress. Hopefully the move will give PBA some cool new features and more web flexibility than a Chinese gymnast. I plan on building it up from scratch, but for now the template is a nice facelift and is already totes better than this old blog. See you at the new digs!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cat Lightning

My cat. Shooting lightning. Out of her paws!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Grass Bath

Good morning everyone. It's time for spring! Who wants to take a bath in the grass?

Monday, January 7, 2008

Today I remembered I had a blog...

I also realized that I started Paper Beats All almost a whole year ago (give or take a couple days). I know I haven't updated in months, but for me, it's quite an achievement to have kept up with something semi-consistently for so long and still wish to continue. It was something a friend casually suggested and I adopted as a new year's project. A year later, I still enjoy having this little ongoing side project, and knowing that there's a handful of people out in the world who like it too is nice motivation as well. I hope you keep checking in, and I hope I can deliver more visual delights. Thanks for the great year!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Puffer Beastie

This one's for Ryan, who requested:
I want to see a beastie that floats in the air like a bird, but without wings. Instead it's like a little puffer fish, round and plump and alabaster with prominent spikes protruding in every direction (except the spikes aren't dangerous, but are kind of cuddly).

Hmm.. This one took a while to get right. Cuddly spikes was a bit of a challenge. And puffer fish are pretty hard to top in general, since they're so awesome already. I can only hope this beastie fulfills Ryan's lofty expectations. She's a little bit of puffer fish, a little bit of bird, and a little bit of diva. (YEAH I aint got no WINGS! Don't NEED em, 'cuz I am FIERCE and I GOT IT like THAT and I don't CARE if they WATCHIN'!)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sleeper Beastie

Mike wrote:
When I sleep, there’s a little beastie who hangs out near the inner corner of my left eye. He’s very small, and I think he eats a good bit of cheese nips because when I wake up, I always find crumbs in my eye crevice. I’ve never seen him because I’m always asleep when he visits. Most likely he’s kinda fat and has orange fingertips. Tammy, you might have a better idea of what he looks like.

Oh yes, I've seen this beastie before. Late one night right as I was drifting off, I actually saw him roll out of nowhere and attempt to crawl up my face. As it turns out, his job is to direct counting sheep all over the world. It's a pretty grueling job if you think about it. The only free time he gets is right after you fall asleep, when he indulges himself in cheese crackers and bad romance novels. He said he'll try to be tidier next time, but isn't making any promises.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ear-y Beastie

Sam wrote:
there is a beastie who lives inside my left ear. every now and then she whispers funny things like fruits she would like to squeeze or places she would visit if she had feet. she has funny beastie-like names for things like the wind or the sound of pigeons making love. on the 11th of every month i treat her to a q-tip dipped in bittersweet chocolate if she's been very good, or an unpleasant noise like a whining piglet if she's been very bad. she tells me "we're not altogether very different, you and i."

A very wistful beastie indeed. And a more romantic way of looking at the inner ear.

*If it seems like I'm not doing these in the order I receive them, it's true. But I'll do my best to get to your beastie, I promise!