Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ear-y Beastie

Sam wrote:
there is a beastie who lives inside my left ear. every now and then she whispers funny things like fruits she would like to squeeze or places she would visit if she had feet. she has funny beastie-like names for things like the wind or the sound of pigeons making love. on the 11th of every month i treat her to a q-tip dipped in bittersweet chocolate if she's been very good, or an unpleasant noise like a whining piglet if she's been very bad. she tells me "we're not altogether very different, you and i."

A very wistful beastie indeed. And a more romantic way of looking at the inner ear.

*If it seems like I'm not doing these in the order I receive them, it's true. But I'll do my best to get to your beastie, I promise!

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