Last weekend, I came home from a great Golden Week vacation to find my house taken over by slugs. Oh my god. They were everywhere. Thus, I've begun my slug extermination campaign. In English Club today, I drew this little scene to illustrate the my current position in the war on slugs. On one side you have slimyness, rain, and general unhappiness. On my side, I only have a salt shaker and a tendency to freak out.
At times, the problem at hand appears unsurmountable. They can hide in tiny cracks that I can't see. They are slimy and icky. When I kill them, they dissolve into a sticky pool I have to clean up. But take heed, slimy ones! You may be constantly lurking in the moisty places waiting to strike, but I have dogged determination and LOTS of salt (and don't forget slug poison).
1 comment:
You should have filled a little squirt water gun with salt water. That would have been great. Target practice.
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