A quick sketch of a couple of the characters at the gym I go to. From left to right: Lady who teaches aerobics with mesmerizing abs. Old dude who always smiles at me. Tall guy with freaky blue eyes, also teaches aerobics and MAY or MAY NOT be gay (I'm just speculating here). Next, Kobayashi Senior, who speaks English and has thighs like tree trunks. Last, Kobayashi Jr (not related) who speaks English and wants to be a fireman.
I want to see mezmorizing abz!
I left a message on your other blog. I was trying to find your e-mail address. I used to work at Numasho, and, yes, spent a lot of time at Splash. Is the tall aerobics guy Yoshi Suzuki? Please e-mail me when you get a chance - bayleaffff@yahoo.com
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