Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Daily Kriesa

In highschool, I had a calculus teacher, Mr. Kriesa (as in "crisis"). Like an arctic hare, he would grow out his beard in the winter months and shave it off in the spring. Everyday I would draw a picture of him in the corner of my notes, each with a different theme. I called it "The Daily Kriesa," and it went on for most of the year, and by the end you could see a clear progression in the growth of his beard. I had almost completely forgotten about it until one day last week when I was doodling at work, and came up with this gem. It's drawn from the grade school perspective that your teachers' lives revolve around the subject they teach (or at the very least, that they're actually interested in that subject). For your reference, the writing says:

"I feel it... I feel the calculus..."
"GYAH!! It's too much!"

I wasn't particularly good or bad enough at calculus that he'd remember me. But I do wonder if he remembers the Daily Kriesa..


JC said...

Didn't he discover your doodles at one point on accident?

the Muse said...

I just ran across your site by chance while viewing PJ's blog and I must say you are extremely talented!

Loving your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dave Rinehart said...

Yo! Where them new drawrings @?